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  • Game Duration – 4 quarters – 10 minutes each – 2 minute break between quarters with a 5 minute break at halftime.  Running clock except for injuries and mid-quarter substitutions. The clock will be stopped at the 5 minute mark of each quarter for both teams to substitute.

  • 4 players on the field with no goalie (do not have a player stand in front of the goal all game, the defender should stay connected, and play about 10 yards behind the ball).

    • Each player should play half of each game.  Before one player plays four quarters all players must have played in three quarters.  If a child refuses to participate for any reason, let his/her parent know at the end of the game why the child did not participate.  If you have trouble with a child, attempt to work it out by discussing the problem with the child’s parent(s).  If you are still unable to resolve the problem, contact the Rec Coordinator so he/she can assist.

  • In Game Rules

    • U5/U7 do not keep score.  This is a time for players to build confidence and skills while having fun.

    • No penalty kicks or direct kicks – indirect kicks only.

    • No Slide Tackling allowed.

    • Throw-ins from the sidelines and goal kicks or corner kicks from the end line.  Allow some latitude on throw-ins while emphasizing proper technique. 

    • Six yards (goal) kicks are taken from anywhere on the end line.    Defending team players must back-up to midfield line.

    • There are no off-sides.

    • Substitutions at mid-quarter break, quarter break, or injury only.

    • U6/U8 games do not have a referee assigned and coaches should share referee responsibilities.  Coaches should instruct and encourage players throughout the game.

  • Players and coaches must shake hands after the game, preferably at the center line.

  • All players must wear shin guards.  Cleats are optional.

  • All players must remove jewelry and watches before practices and games.

  • Coaches must use discretion with dominate players.  Encourage passing to less dominate players.  Try to ensure a competitive game.  If the game starts to get lopsided (3 goals), the stronger team should move better players to the back, or take a player off the field.

  • Coaches should discuss game rules with the opposing coach so that all parties understand the way the game will be structured.

  • Please encourage your team’s parents to offer only positive commentary.


NOTE: It is Myerstown Soccer Club's recommendation that coaches should ask their team to arrive 15 minutes prior to the game's start time. This provides coaches time to gather the team for pre-game instruction, stretching, and small drills to prepare them for their game. These things should be happening prior to being able to use the game fields; it is our goal to BEGIN all of our games promptly.

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